ورشات عمل متخصصة لمرضى السرطان

    Supportive for cancer patients
    Three days workshop

Goal: To provide advanced skills related to promoting quality of life for cancer patients.
Duration: 3 days (18 hours).
Method: Interactive discussion, role play, pre and post test.
Target: Health care workers dealing with cancer patients (physicians, nurses, pharmacists, psychologists).
Instructor: Dr.Mohammad Bushnaq, Internist- American fellowship in palliative care and pain management.


9:00- 11:00 the nature of suffering in cancer patient
§  Journey with cancer patient
§  Physiological, psychosocial and spiritual needs
§  Negotiating goals of care
§  Breaking bad news

11:00-13:00 Ethical issues
§  How to determine and communicate prognosis
§  Decision making capacity
§   DNR
§   Withdrawal of medications and IV fluid
§  Euthanasia
§  End- of life - care

13:00- 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 16:00 Supportive care in cancer patients
§  Anemia
§   Hypercalcemia
§   DVT
§   Ascitis, pleural effusion, lower limb oedema


9:00- 13:00 Pain management in cancer patients
§  Types of cancer pain
§  Assessment of pain
§  Principles of pain management
§  Using opioids for pain management
§  Adjuvant pain management
§  Non- pharmacological pain management
13:00- 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 16:00 Non- pain symptom management
§  Dyspna
§  Poor appetite
§  Fatigue
§  Insomnia
§  GI symptoms ( nausea and vomiting, dry mouth, constipation)

9:00- 11:00 Psychosocial and spiritual care of cancer patient
§  Depression, anxiety, delirium
§  How to discuss spiritual needs
§  Positive thinking, relaxation, meditation
11:00-13:00 Nutrition for cancer patients
§  Types of nutrition
§  Artificial feeding
§  Antioxidants and oral supplements

13:00- 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 16:00 Wound care
§  Types of wounds in cancer patients
§  Wound pathophyiology
§  Principles of wound care
§  Practical applications

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